Bossong anchors for tilling.
JNL-BOI. Bossong anchor with screw and stud stainless steel.Ø 18 mm.
JNL-BOR. Bossong anchor with screw and stud coppered. Ø 18 mm.
JNL-BOTDM. Bossong anchor with screw and stud browned head. Ø 18 mm.
JN. Bossong anchor with screw and stud inox, coppered, browned head and white-gray. Ø 20 mm.
JNL. Bossong anchor with rounded head inox, coppered, browned head and white-gray. Ø 13 mm.
BNL-EC. Bossong anchor with rounded head in white stainless steel zinc plated. Ø 13 mm.
JNH. Bossong anchor with flat head in white stainless steel zinc plated. Ø 13 mm.